Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Week 15 - Tuesday

I skipped a week due to an intestinal virus and I'm so pleased that at rehab I did better than I had expected. I cannot stress enough how much consistent exercise, even just twice a week, has helped me. When I get sick, I don't get as sick as I used to and I don't decomensate as quickly so that when I feel better, it is not such an effort to get back in the swing of exercising.

I did 15 minutes on all of the machines. My O2 sats remained 96% throughout and my blood pressure was pretty stable at 130/70. When I walked to the rehab room, I was able to get there without stopping to rest somewhere along the way. If you'll remember, in the beginning, it took a stop or two to catch my breath as I walked from my car to the rehab room.

On the NuStep, I did 1,250 steps. This is fewer than I had been able to do but I am satisfied that I was able to accomplish an average of 80 steps per minute.

Janet, one of my exercise partners, broke 3 ribs last week coughing! She said she was just eating toast and inhaled a tiny piece of bread, which sent her into a huge coughing fit. Ouch, ouch, ouch!! But her doctor told her she should continue to exercise, (kudos to the doc), and God bless her, Janet did her best. Remember when we used to be put on bedrest for back injuries and other injuries like broken ribs? They've found out that staying active is a much healthier alternative.

I am looking forward to Thursday! See you then!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It never ceases to amaze me how much and how quickly our lives can change, and how we adapt to those changes. Before copd, I never did any exercise and I now know the value of it's benefits. I feel so pleased with myself for sticking with it and giving myself a real chance to be in better health.

I think we have become our best medicine.
