Thursday, January 25, 2007

Thursday Rehab

I had to park quite far from the entrance for rehab so I got some walking in first thing today. There's a lot of construction going on. Once in the hospital, I did my usual stop to check out pictures on the wall or whatever was available to look at so I wouldn't be conspicuous while catching my breath. The way that I usually enter has the gift shop with a wonderful array of things to look at.

When I got to the rehab room my BP was 138/76, Pulse 95, O2 sat 95%. I went to the treadmill first and did 11 minutes at 1.0. I remember someone saying that the first 5 minutes is always the worst and everything after that gets better. I have to agree.

After a rest I did the Nu-step. I increased to level 5 and did 15 minutes, managing to do 1540 steps. Thank goodness I wore a short sleeved shirt because I worked up a sweat this time. When I was done, my BP was 132/75, P101, O2 96%.

On to the UBE (ergometer) for 8 minutes at level 2. This remains a torture for me and my arms but I know it will help me to build up those muscles so things like lifting and carrying things such as groceries will be easier.

Today I added the recumbent bike. I have been watching other people do it and frankly thought to myself "this is a piece of cake". HA! I was only able to do 5 minutes on it because my upper legs were crying like babies for relief! That is the LAST time I underestimate a piece of exercise equipment.

At the end of my workout, my BP was 138/76, P95, O2 95%. We had a new lady join us today and by next week we'll have a couple more. It's nice to sit between exercises and chat about things. There's always a pile of internet jokes that someone brings in for us to read and Rose always provides us with never-ending ice water. I don't know what made me think that I wanted to exercise alone...this is infinitely better.


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