Wednesday, January 10, 2007

First Day Back

So yesterday was my first day back to pulmonary rehab maintenance. It was great to see Rose and there was another lady there that I remembered from previous classes. She, too, was returning after a long hiatus. There were several others there, too; some with oxygen, some without.

I started out getting baselines of my O2 sats, pulse and blood pressure. They were: O2 sat: 96%; pulse: 111, BP: 162/93. I had walked in with my O2 at 4L and kept it at that because I was going to go right to the machines. I don't take anything routinely for high blood pressure, but when I have swelling in my feet, I take lasix, which also helps my blood pressure. However, on this day, I had not taken any lasix.

I went first to the treadmill. I managed to do only 6 minutes at 1.0. My calves were doing the burn and I just couldn't go another minute. I went back to the table to rest and my numbers were: 92% O2; 126 pulse; 129/77 BP. I have to say, I was a little disappointed in myself that I couldn't do more.

Next was the Nu-step. This works your arms and legs while you sit (I like this one). I did 15 minutes at work level: 5. I felt alot better about this machine but my arms really got a workout and boy, were my upper arms were burning! When I went to sit down, my sats were 94%; pulse 113; BP 117/77. So this was a much better blood pressure. I was anticipating that at the end of the session, my BP would be even better.

I then went to my nemesis: the UBE(ergometer), where you sit and 'bicycle' your arms back for half the time, and then forward for the other half. OH MY GOODNESS! I just dread this piece of equipment! Even though I have been working out with weights (albeit sporadically) this just KILLED me. I did 5 minutes forward and 5 minutes backward at level 2, which is 30% resistance. Oh the burn.....the burn...I've never been so happy to be done with a piece of equipment! BUT, although I hated the machine, by the end, my O2 sats were 95%; and my BP was 116/75.

Thus went my first day back at rehab. Already I feel better just by going. And I'm looking forward to tomorrow's visit. See you back here tomorrow!



Tim said...

Outstanding Eileen,

I'm so glad to here that you made it back to Rehab and that your doing so well. Your Spo2 isn't bad at all. I wish I could get me Pulse
as high as your is going but it seems the longer I work out the lower it goes?
Your doing great, hang in there and thank you so much for sharing your experence with us.


Breathing Better Living Well said...

Congratulations, Eileen!

So glad you've taken the plunge again and you'll be so glad you did. Keep up the good work and I look forward to your next blog.

Thanks for inspiring us!