The first trip to rehab left me a little mixed ~ excitement and a little bit disappointment. You see, this was the Evaluation part. There was paperwork, paperwork, paperwork that had to be completed which took up a lot of time and that disappointed me. (That and the fact that my RT did not see the humor in my pointing my M6 holster at her and pretending to launch a missile her way. I was just clowning around because I am nervous! Some of my classmates "got it" though and that was pretty cool.) Now I know the paperwork is a necessity and an important tool to let the medical professionals know at a glance exactly what meds I take, my vitals, my diet, etc. It's just that I am raring to get on with the actual exercises and such as that. I am ready to go! (Idea! Maybe they could add a page to their website and rehabbers could input that needed data online and ahead of time. That way, they could have it right there in their file on the rehabbers very 1st session, already reviewed. Time saved! Think I ought to mention that, guys? Really, I would appreciate your input!)
On the excitement side of the coin, the RT, Peggy, gave us a class on breathing techniques that was enlightening and incredibly helpful. She discussed, demonstrated and then had us all participate in Pursed Lip Breathing or PLB as it is called. BBLW has this info on their Basics page and, after you have finished here, please go there (link is below) and learn this technique. It certainly helps to gain control of breathing, especially when I panic. Rather, if I concentrate on the breathing method and my own breathing, this deters the panic and gets my 02 level back up quickly and my breathing back to normal. PLB is a very useful tool and one that I rely on a great deal. We are also working this week on PLB while walking to ascertain if this will allow us to continue the walking without having to stop and lean on something to regain our breath. A trial study for our group, if you will.
The second breathing method she taught us is diaphragmatic breathing. This method, too, is on the Basics page of BBLW. I tell you a truth right now. This one takes some practice, at least it does for me, but the rewards are tremendous so I'm jazzed about this breathing tool. This one actually helps to vent out the C02 which improves 02 saturation which helps to decrease the SOB. Results! Results at last! :-) Now, I thought I had already been doing the diaphragm breathing but.....not so. At least not correctly. I was simply exhaling the air that I had inhaled into my abdomen. The chest remains still and one inflates their stomach area then uses the stomach muscles to exhale while using the PLB method as well. My error was that I was simply exhaling and not using the stomach muscles to push out the air. Using those stomach muscles and pursed lips not only expels the air just inhaled but also helps to get rid of some of that old, stale, used up air that is trapped in our enlarged air sacs. This allows room for new air and the sob is decreased somewhat and the gas exchange improves which helps 02 saturation and, generally, makes me feel better. Maybe that is because I am getting rid of the C02 and the old air. I'll have to ask about that. In any event, the diaphragm breathing method, while taking regular practice and some dedicated time and concentration, is so totally worth the effort in its rewards to our respiratory and cardio systems, not to mention just feeling better and getting around better. Yes, I am definitely jazzed over diaphragm breathing. I encourage each of you to visit BBLW's Basics page, click on "breathing techniques" and you will find the step by step instructions. Or use this address:
I want you guys to have this experience right along with me. Deal?
If I am to be totally honest and that is what you will find me to be, I must tell you that I am still a little intimidated and worried about this whole rehab undertaking. Mostly, the fear is that I won't get the results I desire. So that still hangs on me. You guys are the only ones I've told about this misgiving so please keep my confidence, OK?
Next rehab session, I will get my vitals and will post them here for you guys, too. And I hope they will start me on the exercises but, if not, then at least give me the outline for the following session. I will be going 3 times a week, each session for 2 hours. Is that a lot? You guys are going with me, yes?
Hang with me, my friends. I appreciate your support and I NEED your support and your input.
Thanks so very much and please look for my updated blog later this week. I look forward to hearing from you, too.
Sweetest blessings!
Working out the rehab, everyday! Working out the rehab, everyway! Working out the rehab, it's alright! working out the rehab, our lungs on overtime!
I should check with my doctor for pulmonary rehab. I did not recieve the rehab back in 2004 because I was uninsured and was not financially able to do so. I am afraid my current insurance may not pick up the bill because it could be considered a pre-existing condition.
I am thinking about asking my doctor if this would be approprite for me, although it should have started after getting out of the hospital in late 2004. I was uninsured at the time. (I did qualify for mediciad to pay my hospital bill, that is all it would cover.)My doctor wanted me to go, but I was not financially stable enough and I already had lost medicaid benefits, so it really wasn't a viable option. My otehr concern with my current insurance is that it may be considered a pre-existing condition and may not cover it.
I really should. I had the insurance for a year, but I was dx'd with it about a year before getting the insurance. I know about the preexisting conditions opver a year, but I had it almost a year before getting the insurance
I called my doctor right after I left my last post. I am able to see her at 9:15am on Friday. She wants to check my medical records and it is very possible the test may have been done while I was hospitalized.
I did take your advice and called my insurance company. I am having a conflict because they don't want to pay for my bipolar meds or any doctors visits related to that. They said it may or may not be covered because I had the condition before I had the insurance. They will want the doctor to perform tests before they can make a decision. So my pre-assumtive answer is probably not. If not, I wonder how much the cost of it would be?
It posted my post three times and just writing for my computer's shortcomings.
Pulmonary Rehab program costs vary, but I can say with a fair amount of certainty that a whole pulmonary rehab program is less than just a few days of a hospital stay. Maybe even less than one day!
If you can't get into pulmonary rehab, try getting a pulmonary function test, Alpha-1 test, and at least try to connect with a breathing support group in your area. That is free and does not require a doctor's order. It's a good place to start and you will find information and support.
I agree with Kasey, check out our website and the others on our links page. You can learn a lot and while your medical system is figuring everything out, you will be better off for finding some education and support on your own.
Don't give up on rehab, but while you wait, keep on seeking help for yourself.
All our best, and be in touch!
Jane M. Martin
I am about to do what some of my co-workers did anyway and just drop the insurance because it is totally worthless. One of my co-workers ended up paying for her surgery she had earlier this year. the insurance is starting a riot where I work at. People are getting angry and starting to leave the company because the new insurance they got here is horrible.
I went to the doctor on Friday and my doctor is referring me to a respiratory therapist to run a battery of tests. They want to check lung function and see how much I may have healed, etc. My doctor will tell me the info on Tuesday morning when I return. I have to return so soon because my BP was 167/142. YIKES!!!
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